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Fractional Ethical & Responsible Technology Oversight

FERTŌ (to carry)

Empowering your competitive advantage with just-in-time expertise in the following:

Engineers, designers, data scientists, and various committee members require ongoing training and our classes take the legal principles and translate them into business language so teams understand how to operationalize them aligned with your values and business.

We provide committee leadership on the following, i.e. Ethics, algorithmic, child data oversight, &/or digital services, and aid in crafting a Code of Ethics or Code of Data Ethics. 

Shaping your values into outward expression of the shared moral framework on which you operate must be displayed publicly. 

We will help you make it happen.

Formerly referred to as a Data Protection Impact Assessment, our focus is on examining the design framework for products or services likely to be accessed by children. If you’re uncertain about how to address this, our solution is designed to help you find the answer.

Our approach is globally harmonized, aligning with frameworks such as GDPR Children’s Code, The EU AI Act, DSA, CPPA, and CA AADC. This unified format allows addressing one framework to provide solutions for all, streamlining your actions and ensuring compliance across various regulations.

As a Fellow at ForHumanity, I earned certifications and hold licenses for the following: 

Children’s Code

Digital Services Act

Algorithm Ethics

Holistic Ethics provides true independence for third-party AI Governacne Audits.

Age-Appropriate Design Codes are one of the most underutilized and significantly powerful design tools to implement. 

Whether enforceable by law or not, using this framework will become your secret sauce in connecting with younger users in an ethical and responsible way.

We are David in a world of Goliaths. The Big Four and large consulting firms have long standing relationships inside the largest online platforms for years, but true independence requires third-party oversight and audit. We provide true and honest oversight. Book a time to chat about how we partner and collaborate with your existing relationships. 

The uquitity of generative AI seemed rather fitting to ask it to explain this section; so I got Claude from Anthropic to write this summary. Here is the response: 

My interpretation of this text is:

The main idea here is democratizing content moderation by making moderation tools and capabilities more accessible to regular users, not just centralized moderator teams.

Some key points:

  • They aim to open up access to content moderation tools to a broader audience, beyond just platform employees.
  • This is intended to help platforms struggling with how to effectively moderate large volumes of content.
  • Their solution is designed to be universally accessible and integrate with AI moderation systems from third parties.
  • By making moderation tools available to more users, the goal is to empower users to moderate based on their own preferences.
  • At the same time, it ensures moderation aligns consistently across the platform, rather than being fragmented.
  • Democratization in this context means giving more users a role in moderation to leverage collective intelligence, rather than just relying on a small centralized team.

As a result, we created masterclasses for you that effectively navigate and comply with the evolving regulatory landscape.

You require someone that can address your knowledge gap, understand how it applies to the products and services you seek to create, and become a translator to bring it across the business; top down and bottom up. Here we are.  

Training & Education:

Helping you understand what to do and how to put it to work.

Our clients and the time we should be talking?


Clients often ask, “How can we implement this?” or “What steps do we need to take to put this into practice?” We not only have the answers to these questions but also provide hands-on assistance to help you counsel clients in successfully executing the strategies.

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from our expertise. Whether your existing teams need guidance to navigate the process and build it the right way, or you require leadership on specific projects with modular solutions to fill any knowledge gaps, we are here to assist you.

Games, Social media, and all those building mix audience products and services.

Investors and Venture Capitalists

Regulation and innovation are not mutually exclusive. Leading in Ethical and Responsible Tech in today’s global competitive landscape is your competitive advantage. Our founder spent 25-years working collaboratively with general partners and their companies to quicken PMF and GTM strategies and today’s work is no different. Invite us in early to avoid the heavy lift later.

KidsTechEthics symbolizes both the commitment and action to developing ethical and responsible technology; especially when engaging with children. 

We provide the independence and strategic expertise to aid you and your stakeholders in building the next decades most respected and valuable businesses. 

Click here to schedule a conversation about how KidsTechEthics can empower you.